It turns out we did get our Labor day off after all, oh and Happy Grandparents Day (9/12). The Hi'ialakai showed up a little too late to offload Monday afternoon, so we did it Tuesday morning. It was a pretty productive week with Ty and Paula both here to help. We fixed the safeboat, changed out our photovoltaic system batteries, rescued a lot of turtles, banded a lot of birds, replanted some native plants, and best of all, got a lot of paperwork done! Alright, that last one wasn't that fun, but it needs doing.
It's been raining a lot here at night lately. It's nice for our drinking water but it's also nice for the invasive plants. They are starting to sprout like weeds! I may even lift the shower and toilet flushing restrictions.
I'll post next Sunday, but then I'll be off for a while. I'll tell you what I know next week.

As far as a textbook fish picture goes, this one may leave something to be desired, but the colors on this Christmas wrasse were amazing.

Here's Paula getting ready with the lines for tying up to the Hi'ialakai.

Another lost turtle on the runway picture (and the first dark clouds in a while).

This fish is a rainbow runner (about 2 ft long). We don't see them around too often, but they are out near LaPerouse sometimes.

Here's a giant trevally checking me out.

Here it is again with a friend.

This Christmas shearwater chick was recently banded. It's just got a bit of down left on the back of its head and neck.

Many of our shorebirds are returning from their breeding grounds in Alaska and Canada. This is a wandering tattler over in the old Coast Guard dump area.

Another white tern picture to finish off the blog.
1. Love the post/blog, as ever.
2. Every time I see a tiny stranded turtle I'm dying to rescue it. So glad you all do!
3. Is it me, or are those white terns just magical in photographs? So ethereal and spectacularly white.
4. I've selected you/your blog for a Versatile Blogger Award, so if you want it, stop by my blog and pick that puppy up. =)
5. SO glad you have a blog! Such a cool look into life out there.
coooool fish!!!
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