We're losing a few more people this coming week. The monk seal crew is about done with their seal monitoring this summer. Shawn and Darren are going to be leaving as well as Pablo. That will bring us down to 7 people. The bird work is slowing down a bit since the last of the albatrosses are now gone from the island and most of the summer nesting for the other species is dwindling too. The only birds that are early in their season are the wedge-tailed shearwaters and that will keep us busy when those 700 or so chicks need banding.
The wind is finally starting to drop a little bit. It's been 15-20 mph for most of the summer. It keeps it a little cooler, but the chicks in the bushes have a harder time staying in their nests and get blown out fairly frequently. If we can find the nest, we will put them back, but that's not as easy as it sounds. If they get put in the wrong nest, they'll get pushed out and if they stay on the ground, they'll die, but we try.

What a fabulous life you lead, great pictures!
Wow... The work you do here is so spectacular! I would love nothing more than to get at an opportunity like that. How did you get this idea to work on Tern Island and how did you fulfill that?!? It seems like such a once-in-a lifetime opportunity. I am a budding young ornithologist and the birds you see here are so amazing! Write back! :-)
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