Finally! Here's a few pictures of my time off of the island. They've got nothing to do with Tern Island, but it's something to look at. I should be on Midway next weekend, so I'll do my next entry from there.
Spring crocus in Cleveland.
The beach at Lake Erie is a little different than the beach on Tern Island.
I went to a couple of battlefields on my time off. This is at Antietam in Maryland.
This is a memorial at a battlefield in Czech Republic where Napoleon's army was defeated.
This sign is telling you that you are at the border of Czech Republic and Germany. The tree is in Germany.

This is Frauenkirche in Dresden, Germany. It was bombed in WWII and finally rebuilt a few years ago. The dark bricks are from the original church.
This is the view of Dresden from the top of Frauenkirche.

Random people on a sidewalk in Dresden.

Zwinger Palace in Dresden.

Zwinger Palace has a great art gallery in it.

This is the St. Wolfgang chapel near Krupka, Cz. Rep. This was built in 1700.

This church is in Most, Cz Rep. It was moved on rails 841 meters to make way for a coal mine. It was built in 1594.

We went on a few hikes. One place we went is called Milešovka and it's an old castle converted into a weather station.

We also hiked up a mountain called Bořeň. It was hazy the entire time I was in Cz. Rep.

This beautiful castle is called Karlstejn. They started building it in 1348.

View of Prague castle.

St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague castle.

Here's a view of the castle from the crowded Charles bridge.

Changing of the guard at Prague castle.

There was an Easter Market in the Old Town Square in Prague.

This is called Powder Tower because they used to store gunpowder there.
Peter, very nice job! Glad to have you back providing us with your photographs again. The captions are great too.
The bones are creepy, reminds me of the undergound catacombs in Paris, where the corridors are all decorated with human bones and skulls!
Loved your pics of Czech Rep. and Germany, I am assuming your wife is from Czech??? Very different pics from your Midway and Tern posts! I'll be looking forward to your return to the island.
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